Quartet of Japanese Instruments, 12m40s


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難波竹山、尺八; 福永千恵子と井原潤子、箏; 石垣清美、十七絃箏
NAMBA Chikuzan, Shakuhachi; FUKUNAGA Chieko and IHARA Junko, Koto;
ISHIGAKI Kiyomi, Bass Koto


This quartet for Japanese instruments was awarded Honorable Mention (“佳作”) at the 2017 Makino Yutaka Concours, a composition contest held annually in Tokyo.  Honorable Mention was the highest (and only) award given that year; the grand prize was not awarded.

In a simple Slow-Medium-Fast-Slow form, each section presents a different musical representation of the sea, from serene to tumultuous. The piece is both technically difficult and will require good ensemble skills, making it one of the more difficult pieces I have composed.



Shakuhachi, 1.8 size (Japanese flute)
13-String Koto I, II (Japanese zither)
17-String Bass Koto (Japanese Zither)